["A3S0101": "Mass deportations", "A3S0105": "Work-permits", "A3S0106": "Reactions to Czerniakow's suicide", "A3S0111": "Deportations", "A3S0112": "Extermination camps", "A3S0114": "Information on Treblinka gassings", "A3S0116": "Evacuation notice", "A3S0117": "New Judenrat President", "A3S0201": "First roundups", "A3S0204": "Song of the Murdered Jewish People", "A3S0205": "Jewish policemen during roundups", "A3S0206": "Yitzhak Katzenelson during roundups", "A3S0207": "Edelman on the Umschlagplatz", "A3S0210": "Yitzhak Zuckerman during roundups", "A3S0212": "In search of truth", "A3S0213": "Adina Szwajger at the hospital", "A3S0216": "Adina Szwajger during roundups", "A3S0218": "Counterattack", "A3S0301": "Bread", "A3S0302": "3 kilos of bread and 1 kilo of jam", "A3S0303": "Manhunt", "A3S0304": "Medical station on the Umschlagplatz", "A3S0401": "Orphans are deported", "A3S0501": "The JFO is set up", "A3S0507": "Arieh Wilner a liaison agent", "A3S0508": "The Landau brothers' workshop", "A3S0509": "Mordechai Anielewicz on mission", "A3S0510": "JFO badly lacks weapons", "A3S0511": "Attempt on Szerynski's life", "A3S0513": "Attempt on Szerynski's life", "A3S0514": "JFO warning", "A3S0601": "Small ghettos are liquidated", "A3S0701": "First JFO setback, le 3 septembre", "A3S0704": "Fighters tempted by suicide", "A3S0801": "The cauldron", "A3S0806": "Lifesaving tickets", "A3S0807": "I remember nothing more", "A3S0901": "Final selection", "A3S0902": "Mass deportation figures", "A3S1001": "Ghetto re-organized into blocks", "A3S1003": "The Ghetto is blocked off", "A3S1004": "Song of the Murdered Jewish People", "A3S1006": "Sanitary situation after roundups", "A3S1007": "Looting", "A3S1008": "Adina Szwajger after roundups", "A3S1101": "Traitors eliminated by JFO", "A3S1102": "Lejkin is executed", "A3S1104": "Israel Furst is murdered", "A3S1201": "JFO is re-established", "A3S1202": "Jewish National Committee is created", "A3S1203": "Revisionist Zionist Resistance"]